Digitize procedures like never before

Manifest Maker – the simple, free creation tool to help you capture knowledge and document operating procedures. Simply film a procedure and leverage AI to transform into step-by-step instructions in minutes. 

Easily and quickly transform video & paper into digital just-in-time training & operational tools

Document maintenance and operational procedures in minutes then share easy to follow, repeatable, digital work instructions throughout your workforce. Manifest Maker is an easy-to-use creation tool to help start your digital transformation. Leverage AI, no-code development, AR, spatial computing and the Apple ecosystem to capture and share expertise before it disappears forever. 

Transform videos into step-by-step instructions with AI

Leverage AI to transcribe and segment existing or new videos into step-by-step text instructions that can be augmented with images, text notes, PDFs, and video clips. 

Build 3D models in seconds

Use an iPhone or iPad to build a 3D model of your equipment for free and provide your workers with an unprecedented level of context and guidance. 

Spatially enhance

Using the Apple Vision Pro, annotate instructions with holograms and spatially anchor to 3D models and physical equipment. 

Scan and bookmark physical manuals

Scan documents to digitize text and use in your work instructions or bookmark PDFs at specific steps. 

Create and edit images

Create images simply by dragging and dropping still frames from a video. Then mark up these images with text and shapes.  

Export directly to Manifest or share with team members

Export directly to use with Manifest or enhance with augmented reality. Also share via PDF or in a format that can be used by other Manifest Maker users.  

Use familiar devices, like iPhone or iPad, that your team have already invested in and use today. Or innovate with the new Vision Pro – they all work together seamlessly with Maker! 


Manifest for iPad

Taqtile’s Manifest is designed for iPad’s familiar, intuitive user interface, powerful video capabilities, and native augmented reality support.