Join the Rapid Insights Program Webinar March 12th

Rapid Insights Program Webinar March 12th

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7 Cool Things from the Smart Cities Expo in Brooklyn

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Dirck Schou, co-founder of Taqtile, demonstrates his mixed-reality software at the Smart Cities NYC ’17 conference (Photos by Steve Koepp)

How can we make a city that runs better? Where subways get fixed promptly, epidemics get spotted in real time, street lights don’t waste energy, and cops know where the perps are hiding? In the digital era, a vast quantity of data becomes the raw material that can make all of this happen. Harnessing that information is the mission of the smart-cities movement, which comes together this week at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for a historic conference and expo.


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Dirck Schou, co-founder of Taqtile, demonstrates his mixed-reality software at the Smart Cities NYC ’17 conference (Photos by Steve Koepp)

How can we make a city that runs better? Where subways get fixed promptly, epidemics get spotted in real time, street lights don’t waste energy, and cops know where the perps are hiding? In the digital era, a vast quantity of data becomes the raw material that can make all of this happen. Harnessing that information is the mission of the smart-cities movement, which comes together this week at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for a historic conference and expo.



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