Join the Rapid Insights Program Webinar March 12th

Rapid Insights Program Webinar March 12th

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The latest news from Taqtile.

graphic of a head with goggles on

It’s Time to Outfit the Final Frontier

In the quest to become smart manufacturers, frontline workers are often the final frontier. It may finally be time to provide them with the digital tools they need.

person holding a smart phone with digital instructions

Pioneering 5g Trials Take Place In Spain

Vodafone Spain has made significant strides in February 2020 with the development of 5G services. Vodafone used the 5GSA network to trial an augmented reality ‘assisted worker’ application Manifest.

greg sullivan sitting in a chair

10 mixed reality trends to expect in 2020

Mixed reality is in its early stages, leaving primary use cases to historically be reserved for gaming. However, a shift began in 2019: Nearly 90% of businesses said they were exploring, piloting or deploying mixed reality,